Friday, September 18, 2009

bedding..oh i love new things!

Well since we are SOOO up in the air about what type of house we are going to build ( yep, we are back to the drawing board), i can't think about it anymore without my head hurting. So for this weekend, i am going to focus on all the lovely new things i am going to buy LOL. Actually the only things i will be buying for the new house is new bedding for us. i decided my sleigh bed set it just fine for now. We need a big boy bed for Ethan and i am getting him this one i think.. LOVE Ikea! lOL

So here are the bedding I am looking at. I want my room black and white, and Dayna will be so happy, since i am English I LOVE colour, so he will be happy that i am not making him paint it some crazy colour. So what do you think? Do you have a favourite, tips, any you have seen you want to share.. go right ahead!
* as of now, i have narrowed it down to 2, but i won't say til everyone has commented, it's fun to see what others would choose*, oh and as lynn pointed out about the colour, i forgot to mention i am painting one wall green, and having green accessories around!



Lynn said...

Oooo!!! I love black and white. Timeless. Classy. Elegant. Beautiful!

My tips?? You can still add a splash of your favorite color to a black and white room without overdoing it with a colorful accessory or two, if you wanted to. You can always change the accessory with the seasons or with time for way less money than changing the whole room as well....

Such as a colored decorator pillow on the bed or a large vase next to the dresser or on the dresser. ETc.

Oh, and I think a Black Vinyl on the wall somewhere would go perfect with your black and white bedding.

Love it! Great choice.

Angie said...

My favorite is the 4th one down. It will look SO good with green accents! Have fun with that. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, here is some more information on bedding.

The Gibb Family said...

Cute bedding. I cannot make decisions - so I don't know which one I like best. hmmmm. But I do LOVE the idea of green accessories! Very fun!

Heather said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I LOVE black and white! goodness sakes!!!